ProjectWise Explorer Help

Sending Messages with ProjectWise Documents or Links Attached

  1. Start a new message in Outlook.
  2. To attach a ProjectWise document:
    1. On the ProjectWise tab of the new message, select Attach Document.
    2. Log in to the datasource if prompted (you will not be prompted to log in again during this session of Outlook).
    3. On the Insert Document dialog, select the document you want to attach and click Open.

      A copy of the selected document is attached to the message.

  3. To attach a link to a ProjectWise document:
    1. On the ProjectWise tab of the new message, select Document URL.
    2. Log in to the datasource if prompted (you will not be prompted to log in again during this session of Outlook).
    3. On the Select Document dialog, select the document whose link you want to attach and click Open.

      A link to the selected document is inserted in the message.